Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Consumers are having a love affair with their mobile devices

I am very excited to share with you the content and stats below from Google Mobile Blog. If you're a business owner and don't have a mobile optimized site or Mobile App....get one ASAP!

"Consumers are having a love affair with their smartphones. They have
become the first thing we reach for in the morning and the last thing
we put down at night. How do we know? We asked them. In January, we
completed our new “Our Mobile Planet: Global Smartphone Users”
research, conducted with Ipsos, to drive a deeper understanding of how
consumers use their smartphones.

Smartphone ownership has jumped globally - increasing 11% to 44% of
the total population in Spain and by 7% to 38% of the total population
in the US. Smartphone owners are always using their device - in
France, 90% use their mobile devices to access the web every day.
Smartphone owners are using their device everywhere - in Germany, 67%
of smartphone owners use their mobile device while on public
transport. Smartphone owners are not just browsing, they are taking
action - in the UK, 84% of smartphone owners look for local
information on their mobile and 78% take action afterwards such as
calling or visiting the business.

This consumer love affair with their mobile devices is transforming
how consumers connect and live their lives. It is also transforming
industries, creating new opportunities and changing how businesses
engage with their customers. I believe we will see significant
advances in mobile this year and the companies who fall in love with
mobile will be best positioned to capitalize on them. Here are my 12
predictions for the major developments we will see in mobile in 2012:

More than 1 billion people will use mobile devices as their primary
internet access point.
There will be 10 days where >50% of trending search terms will be on
Mobile’s role in driving people into stores will be proven and it will
blow us away
“Mobile driven spend” will emerge as a big category
Smartphones will prove exceptional at driving a new consumer behavior
Tablets will take their place as the 4th screen
New industry standards will make mobile display easy to run
5 new, mobile first companies will reach the Angry Birds level of
The ROI on mobile and tablet advertising will increase as a result of
the unmatched relevance of proximity
The intersection of mobile and social will spark a dramatic new form
of engaging consumers
80% of the largest 2,000 websites globally will have an HTML5 site
One million small businesses globally will build a mobile website
Businesses are no longer asking why do I need to go mobile. Now they
are asking how do I go mobile. How can my brand find success in the
mobile space? How can I maximize the relationship with my customers on
mobile? The answer is to truly operationalize mobile. This year we are
challenging businesses to fall in love with mobile, align their
organization for mobile success, and create a mobile website. The
companies who choose to ignore their mobile customers will miss an
incredible opportunity and risk getting left behind. So get going.

Hope you enjoyed this fantastic info!!!

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