Tuesday, January 8, 2013


SoLoMo?? What can that be? Retailers and local businesses, take note.

Social Media, Local Businesses and Mobile devices are now mentioned and used in the same word, sentence and actions. SoLoMo has evolved to include mobile offers pushed to consumers based on their location!

Mobile users' retail conversions rates might be low, but that is not the full story as mobile devices are heavily influencing purchase decisions in store and online!

Very interesting to see that Foursquare (location based service) is more used than Twitter!! WOW Facebook is still the king of social networks. The bottom line is, social drives traffic.

Mobile users are using their devices to discover what's nearby and then make their purchase in store or online. Can mobile users find your shop? 

Mobile drives opportunity. Local retailers please take note!! Despite the increase in smartphone traffic, many  retailers still haven't made strides in mobile optimization. 44% of retailers haven't optimized their websites for mobile.

Mobile Applications are driving the bulk engagement! The big 3 platforms are Apple iTunes, Android Google play and Windows Mobile. Speak to us about getting a mobile app for your business!

Modern Web Presence would like to help you, the local business, make the most of the SoLoMo opportunity in 2013 and beyond.

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